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I'm Back! Hello, Remember me! I have been making so many new cards but haven't been posting them so now I'm back and starting to post hope you like this card! So today i was bored. So i told that i was bored she said how bout make a new years card! I said OK! So i did! I used Basic Grey as my base. Then i layered night of navy and a sparkly black Grey and white paper. The stamps are from sweet and sassy and the cats pajamas. I used a pretty black with white stitches ribbon. And those little crystals called tiny twinkles. Notice how the HAPPY NEW YEAR sign is like a banner its really cool!!! The balloon has sparkly stuff on it and that's a sparkly pen. I really like this card my mom does to! Its really pretty don't ya think? Well thanks so much for stopping by i will be posting more cards soon!!! I hope you have a happy new year.
HAPPY 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy (early) 4th of July! I made this the other day and i wanted to wait till the real forth of july to post it but i just couldnt im posting it now!!! This time i cut EVERYTHING!! It is kinda crooked in some places but its my first time what am i suppose to do! First i colored the cute lil bears with (of course) prizma pencils! My mom thinks i did an awesome job on this card! I like it to! So anyways I layered red and blue on top of white card stock and then another white layer with the bears on it. Then underneath there on the bottem is a blue ribbon. Then i stamped Real Red stars and cut them out and put them on. I wanted to have a setament on it but i just couldnt find one right for it. (im not saying my mom has bad sentaments) Then i said maybe i can type one but then it will turn out black and not blue or red like I wanted it to be. So i just put another Real Red star there. (notice how i knew what the color was) haha! Im making a card tonight so i will be able to post a card tomorrow!! But i need an idea so when u comment (which i hope u do) give me an idea!!! SUMMER STARTED AND NOW ITS TIME TO HAVE FUN FUN FUN!!!! My camp starts monday! Woot woot! Ill have so much fun!!!! Thank you for stopping by i really like to make cards and show it to you all!Leave me some love! (i mean comments) LINDSAY
Hi Everybody!!!! I was sick today so i didn't go to school. I caught what my mommy had she had a cold for a week!!! I have to feel better for this week because ITS MY LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!!! 5th grade here i come!!! So I first got a lil' mouse stamp! Shes a ballerina . Shes so cute right!! I love those cute little stamps!!! So anyways, I colored it again with prizma pencils because im not aloud to use my mommys copics.....sadly. So i cuddle bugged little dots on a square and put the lil' mouse on it. I found that little strip of paper in my mommys scraps she said it was punched with a martha stewart punch. I used a rick rack ribbon and made a bow with it!! Then i took little stick on pearls and put it on too. Then viola!! My card was finished!!!!!! Thank you for stopping bye!!!!!!!!LINDSAY
Hello everyone!!! My name is Lindsay I stamp with my mom (who is also a blogger) and this is my first blog! This is one of the first cards i have ever made! Today it was a rainy day so i went to my moms crafting desk in our basement and i just said to my mommy "I want to make a card"! So i did. I first got the tilda stamp that my mom had i dont know what its called or where she got it but who cares!! I blended with the prizma colored pencils. The dress is pink and lime green and Her hair is brown I could stare at it for hours i think its so pretty!!! By the way i made this all by myself my mommy didnt even give me any suggestions i just made it myself! (but she did cut everything). I put 3 pink little skital balls on the side of it and a oliveish green ribbon at the bottem and a little circle that says HI! at the botten too! I hope you guys liked my blog!! Trust me ill make more cards and write alot more stuff! But for now this is all i got so........good bye!P.S This morning i was pogo sticking and i got up to 140!!!!!!!